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Franklin Crossing

Bend, OR

Franklin Crossing was the recipient of the 2008 Building a Better Central Oregon Award. It is a sustainably designed mixed-use building that features an underground parking structure, ground floor retail, mid floor office suites and eight 5th floor condominiums. It revitalized the downtown by turning a vacant corner into a vibrant pedestrian-oriented streetscape. It’s home to a restaurant, bar, office tenants, and residents.

“We have had many positive experiences working with the Steele Associates team. Having first experienced their fast response team with the Lumbermen’s Insurance…and then proceeding to work with them in designing and building the first five story, multi-use building in Bend, better known as Franklin Crossing. I can simply state, ‘These guys are good.’”

Joe Bankofier, Managing Principal
Lumbermen’s Insurance & Financial Services

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